Praxis Risk and Wealth Management (Pty) Ltd t/a Praxis Financial Services 46025




(This notice does not form part of the Insurance Contract)

As a long-term insurance policyholder, or prospective policyholder, you have the right to

the following information: 

1. The intermediary (insurance broker or representative) dealing with you must at

the earliest reasonable opportunity disclose:


(a) Name, physical and postal address and telephone number.

(b) Legal capacity: whether independent or representing an insurer or brokerage.

(c) Concise details of relevant experience.

(d) Insurance products that may be sold.

(e) Insurers whose products may be marketed.

(f) Indemnity cover held – Yes / No.

(g) Shareholdings in insurers if 10% or more.

(h) Name of insurers from which the intermediary received 30% or more of total

commission and remuneration during the past calendar year.

(The intermediary must be able to produce proof of contractual relationship with and

accreditation by the insurers concerned).


2. Your right to know the impact of the decision you elect to make:


(a) The intermediary or insurer dealing with you must inform you of:

The premium you may be paying.

The nature and extent of benefits you may receive.

(b) If the benefits are linked to the performance of certain assets:

How much of the premium will go towards the benefit?

To what portfolio will your benefits be linked?

(c) The possible impact of this purchase on your finances.

(d) The possible impact of this purchase on your other policies (affordability).

(e) The possible impact of this purchase on your investment portfolio (affordability).

(f) The flexibility of changes you may make to the proposed contract.

(g) The contract terms of the product you intend to purchase.

(It is very important that you are quite sure that the product or transaction meets your

needs and that you feel you have all the information you need to make a decision.)


3. Your right when being advised to replace an existing policy.


You may not be advised to cancel a policy to enable you to purchase a new policy or

amend an existing policy, unless:


(a) The intermediary identifies the policy as a replacement policy.

(b) The implications of cancellation of the policy are disclosed to you such as:

The influence on your benefits under the old policy.

The additional costs incurred with the replacement.

(c) The insurer which issued the original policy will contact you, you are advised to

discuss the matter with its representative.


4. Your right to be informed by the insurer.


The insurer will forward you documentation confirming policy details as discussed in

paragraph 2 of this Notice, which will also include:

(a) The name of the insurer.

(b) The product being purchased.

(c) The cost in Rands of the transaction and specifically:

(i) the loadings, if any;

(ii) the initial expense; and

(iii) the amount of commission and other remuneration being paid to the


(d) in the case of policies with an investment element, the ongoing expense and

any other fees or charges payable.

·  The summary in terms of section 48 of the Long-term Insurance Act, 1998.

·  The contact number and address of the complaints and compliance officers of the



(The insurer may disclose the above information on a generic basis with

additional policyholder specific disclosure).


5. Your right to cancel the transaction


In most cases, you have a right to cancel a policy in writing within 30 days after receipt

of the summary contemplated in section 48 from the insurer. The same applies to

certain changes you may make to a policy. The insurer is obliged to confirm to you

whether you have this right and to explain how to exercise it. Please bear in mind that

you may not exercise if you have already claimed under the policy or if the event,

which the policy insures you against, has already happened. If the policy has an

investment component, you will carry any investment loss.


6. Important warning


·  It is very important that you are quite sure that the product or transaction meets

your needs and that you feel you have all the information you need before making

a decision.

·  It is recommended that you discuss with the intermediary or insurer the possible

impact of the proposed transaction on your finances, your other policies or your

broader investment portfolio. You should also ask for information about the

flexibility of any proposed policy.

·  Where paper forms are required, it is advisable to sign them only once they are

fully completed. Feel free to make notes regarding verbal information, and to ask

for written confirmation or copies of documents.

·  Remember that you may contact either the Long-term Insurance Ombudsman or

the Registrar of Long-term Insurance, whose details are set out below, if you have

any concerns regarding a product sold to you or advice given to you.


7. Particulars of Long-term Insurance Ombudsman

Thobeka Jojozi


Tel: (012) 422 2823/2937


8. FICA Ombudsman:

9. Particulars of Registrar of Long-term Insurance

Financial Services Board

PO Box 35655


Tel: (012) 428-8000

Fax: (012) 347-0221